
  Scott King (Stockmaker)

Scott has been engaged in custom stock work and gun repair on a full-time basis for eleven years. Prior to that, he worked with Bill McGuire of Eddie Bauer for fifteen years on a part-time basis. After entering into full-time gun work, Scott became associated with L.E. Wilson Tools (accuracy reloading equipment) and began rifle chambering, repairing metal parts, and hot-bluing, as well as custom stock work Over time, his work expanded from stocking and repairing boxlocks and sidelocks into bolt rifles and vintage single-shot rifles. Restoration of vintage lever actions has also been incorporated.

Scott desires to provide a well-integrated, practical hunting gun that balances wood , metal and historically successful stocking styles. All guns are designed to fit the customer and his budget with custom workmanship. Scott prefers to make a pattern stock, allowing the customer to try the gun before the chosen piece of wood is carved and finished. Black or English walnut with a satisfactory layout and density is necessary. He does all pattern work, fitting, checkering and finish to both wood and metal. Normal start to finish time is from six to nine months. Pricing varies with each job.

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To contact Scott:

Tel : +1 509-782-4246 (Pacific time)

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